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Safe Sport

Reporting Information:

To deal with a Safe Sport concern, contact USA Swimming at (719) 866-4578 https://www.usaswimming.org/articles-landing-page...

Contact the U.S. Center for Safe Sort to make a report. Call (720) 524-5640 or use the online reporting form at https://safesport.i-sight.com/portal or find more information at https://safesport.i-sight.com/portal

Through our club, contact our SafeSport Coordinator, Elaine Lanier.

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Athlete Completion of Safe Sport Requirement

1. You, as the parent, probably have a USA swim account. Don't worry about whether you do or not as your child will need their own. You need to go to usaswimming.org and have your athlete sign up for their own account (assuming they don't have one already and many who already did Safe Sport may not since some did this by zoom). If they have an account, they need to access that same account so will have to do password retrieval through this site if needed. Your child needs to register under their own email account as they cannot track their safesport requirements through the parent's account! Sign your child up for their own account through the icon on the far right of top tool bar.

2. As your child is inputting their information, there will be a section where they can link their account. They want to do this. They need to enter the name as they have been registered on USA swim (the name that shows up on meet sheets). They will be able to verify the link by date of birth and attachment to SSST.

3. Once they are registered, they need to be on this same website and access the "SafeSport" dropdown on the top tool bar. In the drop down, they will select "Athlete Protection Training". The site requires them to input their name and date of birth again in order to start the training. There is also a checkbox to acknowledge parental consent to access the information.

4. They then need to take Athlete Protection Training which is about 60 minutes long. They can do bits and pieces at a time as the system will save their progress.

5. Once they have completed this training, please either print off a copy of the certificate which will have their name on it or take a picture they can show a board member so we can mark them off for this requirement since we can't verify this one.

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